I remember a day 6 years and one month ago. I remember being woken up and told to turn on the TV. I remember watching the planes fly, the buildings burn, and then fall. I remember anguished faces. I remember an audience crying as we sang the national anthem.
I just watched the film United 93 for the first time. Before I watched it I'd heard theories that the whole thing is fake, that they got off a plane at some federal facility. I say to people saying these things- don't. Saying it didn't happen is like saying the Holocaust or some other terrible event isn't real. I did not loose a loved one that day. But I remember. And so should you.
Every year it seems that someone goes WAY beyond anything I expect and gets me a GREAT gift. Last year it was Aaron who got me a Signed copy of River God by Wilbur Smith (my favorite author who doesn't often sign books). I never expected anyone to beat that until I got this:

The White one is a 2006-2007 Playoff Worn Jersey signed by the ENTIRE team. There is none of these in existance other than the one I have- sure there are a few signed by ALMOST the whole team (I have one of those), but none with everyone. The Blue one is a 2007-2008 signed by the entire Team.
SOOOO cool
Today was the last of my finals so i am DONE until Jan 23rd. Almost 2 whole months offf YAHOOOOO.... maybe I'll get my thesis finished.
Sometimes it floors you the things that you don't know. There are so many people in this world that assume you know what they are thinking, or what they are doing. Like I found out Duann got married alst year. I've been emailing back and forth with her and never knew that. I also found out that he can't live wothout me- it's not just the sex. I wish he'd told me that before... I wonder what else in this world I don't know.