I took Juliet to the Washington County fair today. Linda's family has milk cows that are entered in the fair, so we had a nice "home base" we could come back to for lunch and for a sit down occasionally. She got to get up close and personal with a cow, got to pat goats and pigs and horses. She was SO well behaved in the bird barn. I told her that she could look but not touch because the birds might bite- and she walked the barn with her hands behind her back. The only time she reached to touch something (baby quail) she checked herself without me even saying a word. I bought her a mini fried dough, she licked all the sugar off (and then I got to eat the remainder). She skipped her nap, so of course she is a little whiney tonight, but I think an early bedtime might be in order- for both of us!
posted by Legna @ 5:18 PM