Sunday, November 01, 2009

It's my party.... 

Just LOOK at these cupcakes that Kathryn made- are they not the cutest things EVER?

Cori and Gavin- Cori was in my Lamaze class, Gavin is 6 days older than Juliet

Ava (Kathryn's daughter)

Erica (from the ER), Sami (Erica's dauhter) and the back of Ava's head

Keenya (from school) and Whitney (Erica's husband)

Connie (Juliets favorite babysitter), Becky (from work) and her husband Kevin (on the couch)

Singing Happy Birthday

Cake time- or rather cupcake

Logan helping Juliet clean up

Opening Presents (with lots of little helpers!)

(My camera battery promptly died, so we skip a bit of time here.)
Playing with the other kids

Out like a light...

And now mummy is off to join her!


How can she be a year old already? The time went so quickly! It looks like she had a great time at a wonderful first birthday party. And her Halloween costume was soooo adorable! I wish I could've been there. Give her hugs and kisses and birthday wishes from me. :-)

(And I'm over on minutes, so I can't call you before 9pm until the 5th.)

By Blogger Unknown, at 5:49 PM  

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Pages of Note:
The Words of my bestest bud.
My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


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