So working in an ER and with a child I've seen just about everything and nothing- or almost nothing- grosses me out anymore. Until today. DD had a poo-splosion (which I've been waiting for it's been 3 days since she last went) and I was getting her changed. As I took the diaper off she swung her legs and got poop all over her feet. Gross... but we've done this before- so I quick grab a wipe so I can wipe them off.... but DD was quicker than me. Her newest thing is chewing on her feet...... and as I was grabbing the wipe.... she was grabbing her foot (can you see where this is going?).... and putting it
(I must say- the look on her face as she tasted poo was priceless, and if I wasn't gagging I may have been laughing)
posted by Legna @ 4:47 PM