Friday, December 23, 2005

Bah Humbug 

I hate Christmas. There I said it. 2 days before they day I used to dream of as a kid that I now look forward to with dread. I know they say that it's better to give than recieve, and I agree, I love to give. I will spend MONTHS planning the perfect gift for someone, to make sure that their face lights up when they open it.
But every single year (just about) I am disapointed by what I am given in return. Does that make me greedy and a miser? I don't know. In a way, I guess I don't care. I KNOW people don't have a lot of money (I sure don't) and I don't expect these big expensive gifts from people. But I do expect you to put some THOUGHT into it. This year I am more broke than normal. With buying a house and going to New Orleans I don't really have any extra. I did not spend more than $10 on any gift for any person, but I truely made sure it was something they would like. For Shazia I got pink candle holders (loves pink and candles), for Marcia I got a giant candle as well as a mirror to put it on, for Verna a wooden angel (collects angels), for Tina a picture frame to put the picture of her new baby in her office. These are not big expensive gifts, but always along their intrests.
So what did I get in return? A spatula from Marcia, a coffee mug from Sazia with some Mary Kay hand cream in it (Um- I sell Avon), and a mug of tea from Verna (it's well known that I don't drink tea and rarely drink coffee- they tease me about it every time I do). What really set off this rant was two people in the office I work closely with. Both gave me what I call throw away gifts- just something (like the mug) they can get for nothing and give away. No thought put in at all. But they probabley spent about $50 or $60 on each other. 2 Precious moments figures, candles, bath and body works lotions, scarves, hats,- and that was just one set of gifts for one person. I felt very left out.
I guess that is the crux of the matter. I felt left out. I felt like I was pawned off with any old gift. I would rather you not buy me anything if you don't want to think about the person I am. If your broke and want to get me something small, give me $5 at Target or Price Chopper or even Walmart- not a $5 coffe mug tea set.
And another part of me feels guilty for ranting. I should be thankful to get anything at all. But I just always feel like I'm "appeased" instead of truley thanked, and that makes me wish that we could skip this time of year.


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