Monday, February 07, 2005

Old Vs New 

This world is all about the new technology. Fancy cars and trucks, The newest high-tech gadgets, and mostly big and slick TV's. I have a wonderful TV- 36" Flat screen, nice picture, silver. I've had her for nearly 3 years now and she's wonderful. At home I don't have cable- just rabbit ears- and I only get 3 stations CBS, NBC and ABC. Yesterday, Superbowl Sunday, we realised we wouldn't get to watch it because we didn't get Fox. Jon decided to search through the channels, and we found fox on 74, although we could only get it in Black and white and with no sound.
So Jon decided to try his little 13 inch TV. Plugged it in, turn to the station. Bam, instant color and sound. Didn't have to touch the rabbit ears or anything. Man- I still havne't heard the end of that one!


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Pages of Note:
The Words of my bestest bud.
My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


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