Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Keyless entry 

You would think that a car with keyless entry would be impossibly to lock yourself out of right? WRONG. It snowed a good foot last night, so this morning I got up early, got showered and dressed and went downstairs to start my car. Now I had breakfast to eat and lunch to make and I didn't want anyone taking off with my car (I am still paying for it!) so I removed my keyless entry with the intent of locking my car and then unlocking it when it was time to leave.
I put my keys in the ignition, start her up, press the lock button on my door and close it. I then turn around to turn down my radio and hit my unlock on my keyless entry. Nothing. I try to open the trunk. Nothing. My car is running and I am locked out of this.
I am so not impressed.


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My Aunt's Blog

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