It's strange the things that stimulate the senses. The things that make you excited or sad or joyous, or lonely. The reactions you get to certain things can sometimes surprise you. Like last night, I was watching Stargate on DVD and someone rolled over in Bed showing a flash of a bisep, and the curve of the armpit. Nothing sexual at all, but it set me off thinking of Jon. Of the feel of his skin under my fingertips, of the curve of his collerbone, the sweep of his shoulder. The smell of him as he sleeps. As I talked to him last night, listening to the sound of his voice, I could feel myself cuddled up behind him. It made me so lonely to know that I was there alone, even though i could feel him next to me. As he told me of the looks he got in his new cowboy hat, I could see his eyes sparkle, knowing that he was enjoying every moment. Today, at work, someone came in wearing his cologne. And the smell made me think of walking through the mall hand in hand, wandering around Maine, watching a movie, tickling each other and watching the cats race out of our way.
posted by Legna @ 3:26 PM