Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Right after work today I am leaving to go to Binghamton for my Grandfathers funeral. I am approaching it with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Excitement because I am going to be with my family all together, and because my other half is finally going to meet my mother. Trepidation because I know tonight that I will finally break down and cry. It has been to easy to push the thoughts of everything to the background with the things I have had to deal with R/L and not think about it, but If I know my family (and I do) we will all be crying. I don't want to face the reality that he's gone.
For now I am watching the clock until I can leave... 2 hours and 14 mins to go.


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Pages of Note:
The Words of my bestest bud.
My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


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