Well, I finally have internet at home. So why am I updating this at work you ask? Because my man is home on the weekends and I want to spend it with him, allthough I feel this weekend was a waste of money. His grandparents and Aunt were in town, and we took them up to a railroad tour thingy that we found a brochure on. It advertised a 2 hour train ride on an old coal line, on a train built after the civil war.
So we go in expecting to get a nice historical notation on our ride about the area and the train line. Jon paid $60 for the tickets for all of us, and we browsed through the gift shop waiting for the train. Departure time was 1pm, but by the time we left it was 1.20. In the beginning, the ride was enjoyable, until we noticed that we were not hearing anything. Apparently their PA was broken, so we had a nice long $60 train ride (that too 3 hours not 2) of nothing. Being summer there was not much of a view of the river, and there was a hum the entire ride that gave all of us a headache. We tried to be positive about it (The icecream at the midway point was ok) but I feel like it was an entire waste of money- especially as we don't have a lot as it is.
Afterwards, Jon and I choose a resturant in town to have dinner in. We don't eat out much because that's all he does during the week, and he likes to eat my cooking on the weekends. Grandma wanted something not too fancy, but nice, so we choose a place called the Butcher Block which has GREAT food, but not too pricey. Turns out, Grandma hates red meat and teriaki which basically encompasses the entire menu. She wouldn't leave and go somewhere else though, so she ordered a salad and grumbled half the night about them not having a roast beef or a plain chicken.
posted by Legna @ 10:44 AM