Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Skin Deep 

You can ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am not a girly girl. Sure I don't mind dressing up once in a while, but I am the last person you will find in short skirts and strappy shoes. I have never been the raving beauty (in my life that'll be Lyndall- she was always so much better looking- and still is- and don't let her try and tell you otherwise) of any crowd, and even if I am mildly pretty, it is offset by my prefrence for a comfortable pair of jeans and sneakers over anything feminin.
But with the onset of hot weather, and the lack of owning a pair of shorts, I have suddenly found myself in pocession of a handful of pretty very feminin skirts curtisey of Jon. I have even gone shopping for a nice work-friendly pair of strappy shoes to wear with them.
What in gods name is that man feeding me?!?!?! lol Actually, I have never ever felt more attractive in my life. Even with the waist line I am stuggling to control, the big bootie, the thighs I wish were 3 times smaller, I feel like I am the sexiest woman on the planet. And it's all because of the way that he looks at me. Weather it's jeans or a flowered skirt he loves the skin I'm in.... and that makes me so much happier with myself.


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Pages of Note:
The Words of my bestest bud.
My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


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