Friday, December 19, 2003


As pointed out by my august best friend I have been shamelessly neglecting my blog. I have not written since the 9th when I was writing that essay for class. Life has been so hectic recently with my move and all.
Oh wait- I have yet to talk about that in my blog. Oh my.
Well, while Jon was visiting me, we decided that we wanted to be together, and so, this Saturday, I take that cold plunge, and am moving in with him. To a frozen winterland. Yes my friends, I am movin' to Maine. The last few weeks have been so full with packing and studying, and moving companies, and everything else you must do before you make a move like this that I have not had much time for anything else.
I am so in love with this man that it defies belief. Who could think that in such a short time my entire life could be changed by meeting someone. Sure I have been in love before, and sure I have moved in with someone before, but for some reason this time it feels different. I feel different. I feel like this is the first step to the rest of my life.
OMG- What am I doing?!?


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Pages of Note:
The Words of my bestest bud.
My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


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