Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Juliet learned how to get in, and rock, the rocking chair.

Sitting and patting her favorite animal

All dressed up (we were going to a funeral)

Playing with Lanaya

Watching her favorite movie- UP

Getting dressed- or trying to.

Look familiar? 

So when I was a child I loved to play in the laundry basket... I guess it's genetic ;)

Yummy yummy... 

....I have nutella in my tummy!

Look at these curls! 

Copy Cat 

Juliet is in copy-cat mode. She's repeating back what you say- well in gibberish anyway- is 'reading' books, trying to wash herself in the bath, copying your feet when you stamp. But today was the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER seen her copy- she was copying Donny (my roomates B/f) and did this:

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Opening and playing with presents

Playing in her new 'tent' and reading with Lenaya

Juliet's new 'cubby'

Sleepy Girl


Pages of Note:
The Words of my bestest bud.
My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


Questions? Comments? Like/hate my writing? Email me.